注:以下全部代码的执行环境为VC++ 6.0
1. 定义一种新的数据类型 - 枚举型
以下代码定义了这种新的数据类型 - 枚举型
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| enum DAY { MON=1, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN };
(1) 枚举型是一个集合,集合中的元素(枚举成员)是一些命名的整型常量,元素之间用逗号,隔开。
(2) DAY是一个标识符,可以看成这个集合的名字,是一个可选项,即是可有可无的项。
(3) 第一个枚举成员的默认值为整型的0,后续枚举成员的值在前一个成员上加1。
(4) 可以人为设定枚举成员的值,从而自定义某个范围内的整数。
(5) 枚举型是预处理指令#define的替代。
(6) 类型定义以分号;结束。
2. 使用枚举类型对变量进行声明
新的数据类型定义完成后,它就可以使用了。我们已经见过最基本的数据类型,如:整型int, 单精度浮点型float, 双精度浮点型double, 字符型char, 短整型short等等。用这些基本数据类型声明变量通常是这样:
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| char a; //变量a的类型均为字符型char char letter; int x, y, z; //变量x,y和z的类型均为整型int int number; double m, n; double result; //变量result的类型为双精度浮点型double
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| enum DAY { MON=1, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN };
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| enum DAY yesterday; enum DAY today; enum DAY tomorrow; //变量tomorrow的类型为枚举型enum DAY enum DAY good_day, bad_day; //变量good_day和bad_day的类型均为枚举型enum DAY
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| enum //跟第一个定义不同的是,此处的标号DAY省略,这是允许的。 { saturday, sunday = 0, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday } workday; //变量workday的类型为枚举型enum DAY
| enum week { Mon=1, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Sat, Sun} days; //变量days的类型为枚举型enum week
| enum BOOLEAN { false, true } end_flag, match_flag; //定义枚举类型并声明了两个枚举型变量
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| typedef enum workday { saturday, sunday = 0, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday } workday; //此处的workday为枚举型enum workday的别名
| workday today, tomorrow; //变量today和tomorrow的类型为枚举型workday,也即enum workday
enum workday中的workday可以省略:
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| typedef enum { saturday, sunday = 0, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday } workday; //此处的workday为枚举型enum workday的别名
| workday today, tomorrow; //变量today和tomorrow的类型为枚举型workday,也即enum workday
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| typedef enum workday { saturday, sunday = 0, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday };
| workday today, tomorrow; //变量today和tomorrow的类型为枚举型workday,也即enum workday
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| typedef enum { wednesday, thursday, friday } workday;
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| typedef enum WEEK { saturday, sunday = 0, monday, } workday;
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| typedef enum { wednesday, thursday, friday } workday_1;
typedef enum WEEK { wednesday, sunday = 0, monday, } workday_2;
3.1 对枚举型的变量赋值。
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/* 定义枚举类型 */ enum DAY { MON=1, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN };
void main() { /* 使用基本数据类型声明变量,然后对变量赋值 */ int x, y, z; x = 10; y = 20; z = 30; /* 使用枚举类型声明变量,再对枚举型变量赋值 */ enum DAY yesterday, today, tomorrow; yesterday = MON; today = TUE; tomorrow = WED; printf("%d %d %d \n", yesterday, today, tomorrow); }
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/* 定义枚举类型 */ enum DAY { MON=1, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN };
void main() { /* 使用基本数据类型声明变量同时对变量赋初值 */ int x=10, y=20, z=30; /* 使用枚举类型声明变量同时对枚举型变量赋初值 */ enum DAY yesterday = MON, today = TUE, tomorrow = WED; printf("%d %d %d \n", yesterday, today, tomorrow); }
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/* 定义枚举类型,同时声明该类型的三个变量,它们都为全局变量 */ enum DAY { MON=1, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN } yesterday, today, tomorrow;
/* 定义三个具有基本数据类型的变量,它们都为全局变量 */ int x, y, z;
void main() { /* 对基本数据类型的变量赋值 */ x = 10; y = 20; z = 30; /* 对枚举型的变量赋值 */ yesterday = MON; today = TUE; tomorrow = WED; printf("%d %d %d \n", x, y, z); //输出:10 20 30 printf("%d %d %d \n", yesterday, today, tomorrow); //输出:1 2 3 }
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/* 定义枚举类型,同时声明该类型的三个变量,并赋初值。它们都为全局变量 */ enum DAY { MON=1, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN } yesterday = MON, today = TUE, tomorrow = WED;
/* 定义三个具有基本数据类型的变量,并赋初值。它们都为全局变量 */ int x = 10, y = 20, z = 30;
void main() { printf("%d %d %d \n", x, y, z); //输出:10 20 30 printf("%d %d %d \n", yesterday, today, tomorrow); //输出:1 2 3 }
3.2 对枚举型的变量赋整数值时,需要进行类型转换。
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enum DAY { MON=1, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN };
void main() { enum DAY yesterday, today, tomorrow;
yesterday = TUE; today = (enum DAY) (yesterday + 1); //类型转换 tomorrow = (enum DAY) 30; //类型转换 //tomorrow = 3; //错误 printf("%d %d %d \n", yesterday, today, tomorrow); //输出:2 3 30 }
3.3 使用枚举型变量
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enum { BELL = '\a', BACKSPACE = '\b', HTAB = '\t', RETURN = '\r', NEWLINE = '\n', VTAB = '\v', SPACE = ' ' };
enum BOOLEAN { FALSE = 0, TRUE } match_flag;
void main() { int index = 0; int count_of_letter = 0; int count_of_space = 0; char str[] = "I'm Ely efod"; match_flag = FALSE; for(; str[index] != '\0'; index++) if( SPACE != str[index] ) count_of_letter++; else { match_flag = (enum BOOLEAN) 1; count_of_space++; } printf("%s %d times %c", match_flag ? "match" : "not match", count_of_space, NEWLINE); printf("count of letters: %d %c%c", count_of_letter, NEWLINE, RETURN); }
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| match 2 times count of letters: 10 Press any key to continue
4. 枚举类型与sizeof运算符
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enum escapes { BELL = '\a', BACKSPACE = '\b', HTAB = '\t', RETURN = '\r', NEWLINE = '\n', VTAB = '\v', SPACE = ' ' };
enum BOOLEAN { FALSE = 0, TRUE } match_flag;
void main() { printf("%d bytes \n", sizeof(enum escapes)); //4 bytes printf("%d bytes \n", sizeof(escapes)); //4 bytes printf("%d bytes \n", sizeof(enum BOOLEAN)); //4 bytes printf("%d bytes \n", sizeof(BOOLEAN)); //4 bytes printf("%d bytes \n", sizeof(match_flag)); //4 bytes printf("%d bytes \n", sizeof(SPACE)); //4 bytes printf("%d bytes \n", sizeof(NEWLINE)); //4 bytes printf("%d bytes \n", sizeof(FALSE)); //4 bytes printf("%d bytes \n", sizeof(0)); //4 bytes }
5. 综合举例
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enum Season { spring, summer=100, fall=96, winter };
typedef enum { Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday } Weekday;
void main() { /* Season */ printf("%d \n", spring); // 0 printf("%d, %c \n", summer, summer); // 100, d printf("%d \n", fall+winter); // 193 Season mySeason=winter; if(winter==mySeason) printf("mySeason is winter \n"); // mySeason is winter int x=100; if(x==summer) printf("x is equal to summer\n"); // x is equal to summer printf("%d bytes\n", sizeof(spring)); // 4 bytes /* Weekday */ printf("sizeof Weekday is: %d \n", sizeof(Weekday)); //sizeof Weekday is: 4 Weekday today = Saturday; Weekday tomorrow; if(today == Monday) tomorrow = Tuesday; else tomorrow = (Weekday) (today + 1); //remember to convert from int to Weekday }